Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Arriba, Abajo, A centro, para 2012!

Happy New Year!

...And another year has passed, and what an incredible year it was.  Every year I like to sit and reflect on the past year and think about all the things that happened and all of the experiences I had.  This 1st of January, I cannot help but smile thinking back on last year -- and drinking spritz on the canals of Venice during carnival, snorkeling in the crystal blue waters of Thailand with Alex, dancing the day and the night away in Amsterdam, diving into the Tyrrhenean sea off the side of a boat again,  wasting away days at the beach under the shade of rented umbrellas in Rome and Puglia, sailing in the Gulf of Napoli from island to island on a boat in "race mode", winning my first case in front of the UN Dispute Tribunal, learning Spanish in Sevilla while sweating and sipping tinto de verano, toasting my 28th birthday with Johanna with Mojitos in Malaga, floating in the salty waters of the Dead Sea, and hanging out in San Diego with the only part of the US I truly miss, my family.

I have now been in Rome for two years, which have flown by, and though my exasperation at the rapid passage of time has become a bit redundant, I still think back to the moment that I arrived in Rome -- not knowing a single person, without a clue where I would live, starting a new job and literally having no idea what the next weeks or months would bring -- and feel like it was yesterday.  While I cannot believe that it has been two years, more couldn't have changed. I now consider  Rome home and have friends that feel like family.

New years is always a time for making resolutions and figuring out how the next year could be better.  My resolution for this year is not about that though, its just to make sure that I appreciate every single day and to not take for granted a second of how lucky I am.  I can't wait to see what 2013 will bring...

Happy new year everyone!  Toast to amazing things in 2013!


  1. well said --- happy new year!!

  2. Two years in Rome...it is incredible to think! You've lived your resolution already, and I'm sure 2013 will be another opportunity to keep doing that. Here's to a wonderful year!
