Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer is (finally) here!

I think it is official...summer has come to Rome!  There are no words for how amazing summer is in here, I smile just thinking about the beach every weekend with a beachside massagio, outdoor bars, hanging out in the piazza, sitting in the park... I love it!!

But other than basking in the glory of this perfect season, life has been pretty ordinary here. Working, hanging out. After my blitz of traveling, I wanted nothing more but to come back to Rome and just be in the city with friends, enjoying local life.  The more time that I spend in Rome and Italy, the more I have come to appreciate it.

On that note, I recently read a book called Gomorrah about the organized crime in Napoli.  My colleague recommended it with the warning that reading it had made her "question her choice to live in Italy", so I read the first page with caution.  Could a book really change the way I felt about this country?  Or open my naive eyes to something that was truly terribly that it would make me want to run back to the States (and its numerous and equally disturbing problems...).  Well I finished the book, and it hasn't made me question living in Italy, but my colleague's comment made me start it easier to spot other country's problems than your own?  Because as I kept reading, I kept comparing with the US and wondering if things are so different there (though, everyone seems to think they are). For example the trash in Campania is all over the place and now being crammed into every inch of free space, destroying farms, beautiful coastline and polluting the ocean (nooooooooooo, not the water!!!).  It is a terrible violation of the environment and causing damage that can never be undone -- but isn't fracking in the Appalachian Mountains and drilling for oil in the Alaskan wilderness the same thing? Are things really better in the US or our we just better at making it seem legitimate (as opposed to being driven solely for profit)... If you have time this summer, I recommend reading Gomorrah and if you do, let me know what you think!

Other than that, a few other exciting developments in the past weeks.  I finally bought a scooter!  I have been talking about this for months while I wondered whether I had the courage to drive in the chaotic streets of Rome. But I decided this was a perche' no moment and so I did.  I ended up getting a new one for the sake of the warranty (and because it was very cute...and yes, I got a pink helmet which is also very cute) and so I should have it, registered and ready to ride this next week! Can.not.wait.

AND, I am going to Spain for the month of August to learn Spanish. You may be asking -- wait is she already fluent in Italian and ready to move on to another language. The answer is no, not at all. But Spanish is more relevant (as a recognized UN language) to my work and so...Spanish it is.  Also, I have gotten very tired of  responding sheepishly no to this question "Angela Arroyo, si, you must be a native spanish speaker." Soon enough, soon enough...

BBQ on Freddy's balcony, yet another perk of summer!!
You may want to note the beginnings of the summer bars on the lungotevere...they should be up and running next week!


  1. Ahhh can I get a ride on your scooter?!

  2. I recognize this spot on the river! We're coming soon!!
