Monday, October 3, 2011

Capri, ci vediamo nei miei sogni...


This last week was truly a beautiful week, topped off with a quick weekend trip to the breath taking Capri! It was getting to be mid-week and the weather was still warm so we thought...perche no, another weekend of summer!!

The rest of the week in quick highlights, work is good but busy--always incredibly interesting. I have resumed playing tennis!!! yay!  And I joined Rome's version of Equinox...yes, a fancy gym in Testaccio.  But, I took a workout class taught in--ITALIAN--and while it was a bit challenging, I think my Italian will really improve quickly--gamba destra, gamba sinestra!

And then to the weekend--Capri is a little island in the Tyrrhenian Sea just off the coast from Sorrento. I have always heard about Capri being so posh and literally a home to the stars (yes, we saw Dolce and Gabbana's house and Armani's seaside mansion), but it also was just a really truly beautiful island.

To get to Capri, we took every kind of public transportation there was--train to Naples, taxi to the Ferry, Ferry to Capri, funiculare to the top of the hill and finally arrived at our breath-taking hotel which over looked the Fraglioni. Amazing.

We swam in the beautiful water, took a little chair lift to the highest peak on the island, relaxed and took un giro di isola on a boat!

I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Bellissima.

So you can better picture the beauty :-)

View from our hotel...amazing. 

Ale on the chair lift. It was so peaceful!

Aww a flower pic, reminds me of my mom!  Ti voglio bene! 

All the cabs had the roofs cut off! haha so funny

Spritz in the piazzetta...obviously.

La grotta azzurra. We got into a row boat from our other boat and had to lay flat to get into the, e' bellissima, e' vero???


  1. Oh my gosh! This is beautiful! I must come back! Such beautiful azure water! Magnificent! (gorgeous hibiscus, too!!)

  2. ahh stop with the pics already, you're killing me!! Can we expect a visit from you this December???
