Saturday, January 15, 2011

Navona e Campo

Buona Sera!

I have survived my first week in Rome!  Everyday seemingly brought a new challenge--getting lost looking for apartments, losing my map and then REALLY being lost, trying to buy a telephonini from a non-English speaking clerk, getting lost AGAIN--but, overall it was a great first week.  I had my first great Italian meal of suplè, carbonara and Lazio wine with new friends, ate more gelato and found a great apartment!

Also, I spent today doing a little more exploring in the neighborhoods of Navona and Campo.  They are considered to be very traditional Roman neighborhoods--lots of little winding streets and cobble stones, loooottsss of cobble stones. Yes, my feet hurt tonight.  I saw the Pantheon, countless piazzas, and fountains including the gorgeous Bernini sculpture Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi.

The pantheon.  I was sitting at the fountain eating gelato (I fear to think of how many sentences are going to start like that..) when this Italian guy sits down and starts singing Wham "Last Christmas" with an Italian accent--amazing. 

Piazza Navano

Bernini's Fontana de Quattro Fiumi in the Piazza Navona. 

Campo de' Fiori

I took a people watching/lunch break at Obika mozarella bar in Campo de' Fiori. 

Ponte Umberto
I move into my new apartment in Testaccio tomorrow, I will post pictures soon!

Ciao Ciao!


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos! What a beautiful day in Rome!

  2. Livin the life in Rome .. SF misses u ...

  3. I wish I were there with you take that people-watching break together! So glad to see you are settling in, Angie. Looking forward to many more sentences starting with gelato-delighting...

  4. Photos are amazing. The sky is so BLUE, the tomatoes so red. and I would be eating gelato too ! i am so happy for you. makes ME HAPPY reading your story and looking at the photos.
